- Dirt Bike
- Airbox Side Panels
- Airbox With Side Panels
- Chain Guides
- Chain Sliders
- Engine Guards
- Fork Protectors
- Frame Protectors
- Front Fenders
- Front Plates
- Headlights
- Headlights Surround
- Mud Plates
- Plastic Kits
- Plastics - Individual Parts
- Radiator Louvers
- Radiator Shrouds
- Rear Fenders
- Seat Covers
- Side Panels
- Tail Lights
- Brake Calipers & Brackets
- Brake Clevis
- Brake Coolers
- Brake Disc Bolts
- Brake Discs
- Brake Kits
- Brake Lines & Clamps
- Brake Pad Pins
- Brake Pads
- Brake Pedal Arms
- Brake Pedal Tips
- Brake Pedals
- Clutch Cables
- Disc Guards
- Rear Brake Extenders - European
- Brake Levers
- Brake Rotator Clamp
- Clutch Baskets
- Clutch Levers
- Clutch Rotator Clamp
- Clutch Rotator Clamp - Hot Start
- Dust Covers
- Footpegs
- Gear Lever Arms
- Gear Lever Tips
- Gear Levers
- Kickstarters
- Levers
- Levers Replacement Parts
- Airbox Wash Covers
- Case Savers & Front Sprocket Covers
- Clutch Cover Protectors
- Clutch Covers - Pro Series Billet
- Coolant
- Fuel Mixture Screws
- Magnetic Sump Plugs
- Oil Pump / Filters, Caps & Covers
- Oil Waste Tanks
- Silicone Hose Wipes
- Fork Boots
- Front Axle Nuts
- Grips & Accessories
- Handguards & Mounting Kits
- Handlebar Ends
- Handlebar Mounts
- Handlebar Pads
- Handlebars
- Launch Controls
- Steering Head Nuts
- Throttle Cables
- Throttle Tubes
- Hubs and Hub Components
- Air Filters & Bolts
- Carburettor Vacuum Hose
- Exhaust Pipe Protector
- Exhausts - 2 Stroke
- Exhausts - 4 Stroke
- Muffler Packing
- Axle Blocks
- Axle Spacers
- Batteries
- Bike Stands
- Bike Wash
- Bling Kits
- Bolt Kits
- Boot Wash Stand
- Brake Locks
- Cable Lubricator
- Clutch Kits
- Cylinder Covers
- Decals/Stickers/Transfers
- Exhaust Flange Guards
- Exhaust Spring Hook Tool
- Exhaust Springs
- Fastener Kits
- Fork Bleeders
- Fuel Can
- Fuel Tank - Revolution
- Fuel Tank Foam
- Fuel Vent
- Grab Handles & Lifting Straps
- Hot Start Connectors
- Hour Meters
- Ignition Covers
- Ignition Plugs
- Master Cylinder Covers
- Measuring Beakers
- Muffler Bungs
- Oil Drain Tool
- Oil Filter Hardware Kits
- Pipe / Exhaust Mount
- Radiator Braces
- Rebuild Kit
- Rim Protectors
- Rim Tape
- Seat Foam
- Spark Plug Holder
- Starting Blocks
- Tank Caps & Vents
- Tank Covers
- Timecard Holder
- Tools
- Triple Clamp
- Universal Kill Switch
- Valve Mudguards
- Wheel Accessories Kits
- Zip Ties
- Frame T-Piece - European
- Fuel Tap Hose Kits
- Radiator Hoses & Clip Kits
- Cam Chain Tensioner
- Chain & Sprockets Kits
- Chain Rollers
- Chains
- Sprocket Bolts
- Sprockets
- Swing Arm
- Swing Arm Protectors
- Bead Buddy
- Chain Brush
- Fork Cap Wrench
- Mud Scrapers
- Power Valve Adjusters
- Spoke Tools
- Tie Downs
- Tyre Levers
- Wheel Support
- Bearing & Seal Kits
- Fork & Dust Seals
- Mousse
- Rim & Spoke Kits
- Rimlocks & Nuts
- Rims
- Spoke Sets, Wraps & Tools
- Tubes
- Tyres
- Valve Caps
- Wheel Balance Weights
- Wheel Bearing Kits
- Road bike
- Wheels
- Protective Gear
Dirt Bike
- Fuel Mixture Screws
- Magnetic Sump Plugs
- Oil Pump / Filters, Caps & Covers
- Silicone Hose Wipes
- Case Savers & Front Sprocket Covers
- Oil Waste Tanks
- Airbox Wash Covers
- Clutch Cover Protectors
- Clutch Covers - Pro Series Billet
- Coolant
- Seat Covers
- Chain Guides
- Chain Sliders
- Fork Protectors
- Front Fenders
- Mud Plates
- Plastic Kits
- Headlights
- Tail Lights
- Radiator Shrouds
- Front Plates
- Side Panels
- Rear Fenders
- Engine Guards
- Radiator Louvers
- Airbox With Side Panels
- Headlights Surround
- Airbox Side Panels
- Frame Protectors
- Plastics - Individual Parts
- Brake Rotator Clamp
- Clutch Rotator Clamp
- Dust Covers
- Clutch Rotator Clamp - Hot Start
- Clutch Levers
- Gear Levers
- Kickstarters
- Levers Replacement Parts
- Brake Levers
- Footpegs
- Levers
- Clutch Baskets
- Gear Lever Tips
- Gear Lever Arms
- Launch Controls
- Steering Head Nuts
- Throttle Tubes
- Grips & Accessories
- Fork Boots
- Handlebar Mounts
- Handlebar Ends
- Handguards & Mounting Kits
- Handlebars
- Handlebar Pads
- Throttle Cables
- Front Axle Nuts
- Rear Brake Extenders - European
- Brake Clevis
- Brake Kits
- Brake Pad Pins
- Brake Pads
- Brake Calipers & Brackets
- Brake Discs
- Brake Disc Bolts
- Disc Guards
- Brake Pedals
- Brake Coolers
- Brake Lines & Clamps
- Clutch Cables
- Brake Pedal Tips
- Brake Pedal Arms
- Sprocket Bolts
- Sprockets
- Chain & Sprockets Kits
- Chain Rollers
- Chains
- Swing Arm Protectors
- Cam Chain Tensioner
- Swing Arm
- Rimlocks & Nuts
- Valve Caps
- Mousse
- Tubes
- Tyres
- Rims
- Spoke Sets, Wraps & Tools
- Wheel Balance Weights
- Wheel Bearing Kits
- Bearing & Seal Kits
- Fork & Dust Seals
- Rim & Spoke Kits
- Chain Brush
- Mud Scrapers
- Bead Buddy
- Fork Cap Wrench
- Tie Downs
- Tyre Levers
- Wheel Support
- Spoke Tools
- Power Valve Adjusters
- Bike Wash
- Fuel Can
- Fuel Tank Foam
- Fastener Kits
- Bling Kits
- Bolt Kits
- Fork Bleeders
- Hot Start Connectors
- Tank Caps & Vents
- Axle Blocks
- Muffler Bungs
- Batteries
- Bike Stands
- Hour Meters
- Universal Kill Switch
- Brake Locks
- Tank Covers
- Ignition Plugs
- Axle Spacers
- Clutch Kits
- Exhaust Springs
- Spark Plug Holder
- Cable Lubricator
- Valve Mudguards
- Rim Protectors
- Exhaust Spring Hook Tool
- Triple Clamp
- Cylinder Covers
- Oil Filter Hardware Kits
- Pipe / Exhaust Mount
- Exhaust Flange Guards
- Decals/Stickers/Transfers
- Rebuild Kit
- Wheel Accessories Kits
- Oil Drain Tool
- Zip Ties
- Grab Handles & Lifting Straps
- Seat Foam
- Fuel Tank - Revolution
- Rim Tape
- Ignition Covers
- Boot Wash Stand
- Timecard Holder
- Starting Blocks
- Measuring Beakers
- Tools
- Master Cylinder Covers
- Fuel Vent
- Radiator Braces
- Carburettor Vacuum Hose
- Muffler Packing
- Exhausts - 4 Stroke
- Exhausts - 2 Stroke
- Exhaust Pipe Protector
- Air Filters & Bolts
- Fuel Tap Hose Kits
- Frame T-Piece - European
- Radiator Hoses & Clip Kits
- Hubs and Hub Components
- Road bike
- Wheels
- Protective Gear
Search by make, model & year below
Product Description
Motoz Tractionator Enduro I/T Tyre
Enduro Intermediate 25% Road - 75% Off-Road
The Tractionator Enduro I/T (Intermediate Terrain) offers proven grip, durability over long distances in a wide variety of terrain and punishing conditions.
- The Enduro I/T tyre was developed for Enduro / Dual sport and trail use in varied terrain.
- Excels on steep hill climbs and tight, twisting single trails.
- The Hybrid natural/synthetic rubber compound and unique tread work with the terrain, creating drive and lift over obstacles for optimum traction.
- Long lasting wear life, enhanced steering precision, traction and grip in wide spread conditions.
- DOT Homologated
- Load / Speed Rating (64 R TT MST).
All product images presented are for illustrative purposes only and may vary from actual product depending on bike application.
Product Description
Motoz Tractionator Enduro I/T Tyre
Enduro Intermediate 25% Road - 75% Off-Road
The Tractionator Enduro I/T (Intermediate Terrain) offers proven grip, durability over long distances in a wide variety of terrain and punishing conditions.
- The Enduro I/T tyre was developed for Enduro / Dual sport and trail use in varied terrain.
- Excels on steep hill climbs and tight, twisting single trails.
- The Hybrid natural/synthetic rubber compound and unique tread work with the terrain, creating drive and lift over obstacles for optimum traction.
- Long lasting wear life, enhanced steering precision, traction and grip in wide spread conditions.
- DOT Homologated
- Load / Speed Rating (64 R TT MST).
All product images presented are for illustrative purposes only and may vary from actual product depending on bike application.
Product Description
Motoz Tractionator Enduro I/T Tyre
Enduro Intermediate 25% Road - 75% Off-Road
The Tractionator Enduro I/T (Intermediate Terrain) offers proven grip, durability over long distances in a wide variety of terrain and punishing conditions.
- The Enduro I/T tyre was developed for Enduro / Dual sport and trail use in varied terrain.
- Excels on steep hill climbs and tight, twisting single trails.
- The Hybrid natural/synthetic rubber compound and unique tread work with the terrain, creating drive and lift over obstacles for optimum traction.
- Long lasting wear life, enhanced steering precision, traction and grip in wide spread conditions.
- DOT Homologated
- Load / Speed Rating (64 R TT MST).
All product images presented are for illustrative purposes only and may vary from actual product depending on bike application.
Don't Forget these
Don't Forget these
RHK Universal 2.15 Rimlock
$16.95 RRP
RHK Universal Bead Buddy
$26.95 RRP
RHK Universal (Pair) Tyre Levers
$22.95 RRP
RHK Japanese Black Tyre Lever & Multi Tool
$67.95 RRP
Motoz Tractionator Enduro I/T 110/100-18 Rear Tyre
Motoz Tractionator Enduro I/T 110/100-18 Rear Tyre
Motoz Tractionator Enduro I/T 110/100-18 Rear Tyre
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